Tracy Sweeney在任何地方拍摄唯美梦幻家庭儿童教程中文字幕
Tracy Sweeney在任何地方拍摄唯美梦幻家庭儿童教程中文字幕
Tracy Sweeney 在任何地方拍摄唯美梦幻家庭儿童教程-中文字幕
KelbyOne-如何在任何地方捕获美丽的家庭照片 ... iful-family-photos/
特雷西·斯威尼(Tracy Sweeney)将您的全家福技能提升到新的水平!与Tracy一起深入了解她在最棘手的位置创建漂亮图像的过程。在本课程中,您将学习寻找位置信息,如何最大程度地减少背景干扰,选择镜头时应考虑的事项,如何充分利用可用的光线,摆姿势的技巧等。崔西(Tracy)在两次现场拍摄中展示了她的过程,其中一个在城市工业环境中拍摄,另一个在更自然的乡村环境中拍摄。特蕾西(Tracy)通过在两个现场拍摄中查看她的后期处理工作流程来结束课堂。
Tracy Sweeney takes your family skills to a new level! Work with Tracy to learn more about her process of creating beautiful images in the toughest places. In this course, you will learn how to find location information, how to minimize background interference, what to consider when selecting a lens, how to make full use of the available light, and how to pose. Tracy showed her process in two live shots, one in an urban industrial setting and the other in a more natural rural setting. Tracy ended the class by looking at her post-processing workflow in two live shots.